Difference between Definition and Declaration ?

Difference between Definition and Declaration ?
 Declaration of a variable is for informing to the compiler the following information: name of the variable, type of value it holds and the initial value if any it takes. i.e., declaration gives details about the properties of a variable. Whereas, Definition of a variable...

How can I calculate the resolution of load cell?

How can I calculate the resolution of load cell?
 Let's assume that you have 5kg loadcell. Its output is specified for 1mV/V excitation meaning that if you have 5V excitation, you shall get 5mV output for a full-scale load of 5kgs.Simply correlate this as 5000uV (microvolts) corresponding to 2000gm of load.Next,...

What is Common-mode Voltage Gain ?

What is Common-mode Voltage Gain ?
Common-mode voltage gain refers to the amplification given to signals that appear on both inputs relative to the common (typically ground).You will recall from a previous discussion that a differential amplifier is designed to amplify the difference between the two voltages...

What Is Static Code Analysis?

What Is Static Code Analysis?
Static code analysis is a method of debugging by examining source code before a program is run. It’s done by analyzing a set of code against a set (or multiple sets) of coding rules. Static code analysis and static analysis are often used interchangeably, along with...

What is Proof of concept POC ?

What is Proof of concept POC ?
     A Proof of Concept (POC) is a small exercise to test the design idea or assumption. The main purpose of developing a POC is to demonstrate the functionality and to verify a certain concept or theory that can be achieved in development. Prototyping...