What is Dead Front in Electrical Panel ?

An electric panel will generally have one or two covers. Panels with two covers have an outer cover (which will open to the side or upwards) and an inner cover, called a “Dead Front”. The dead front cover normally has the slots / knockouts for the breakers to fit into.

It is called a “Dead Front” for a reason

When the “Dead Front” is missing, the wiring, breakers and the bus bar is exposed. This is very dangerous. If a person comes into contact with or touches the live bus bar, a serious shock or injury could occur. Even death. That is how the name “Dead Front” came about.

Replacing the “Dead Front”

When the “Dead Front” is missing it is wise to replace it as soon as possible. Also, the main cover should be locked and tagged until the Dead Front is properly in place. A number of manufactures have replacement covers for their panels.