What is Skin Effect ???

             Skin effect is the tendency of an alternating electric current (AC) to become distributed within a conductor such that the current density is largest near the surface of the conductor, and decreases with greater depths in the conductor.
            The electric current flows mainly at the "skin" of the conductor, between the outer surface and a level called the skin depth. The skin effect causes the effective resistance of the conductor to increase at higher frequencies where the skin depth is smaller, thus reducing the effective cross-section of the conductor.
            The skin effect is due to opposing eddy currents induced by the changing magnetic field resulting from the alternating current. At 60 Hz in copper, the skin depth is about 8.5 mm. At high frequencies the skin depth becomes much smaller. Increased AC resistance due to the skin effect can be mitigated by using specially woven litz wire.Because the interior of a large conductor carries so little of the current, tubular conductors such as pipe can be used to save weight and cost.

Figure Right : Skin depth is due to the circulating eddy currents (arising from a changing H field) cancelling the current flow in the center of a conductor and reinforcing it in the skin.

Figure Left : Distribution of current flow in a cylindrical conductor, shown in cross section. For alternating current, most (63%) of the electric current flows between the surface and the skin depth, δ, which depends on the frequency of the current and the electrical and magnetic properties of the conductor.
Skin effect: skin depth decreases with increasing frequency.

                    The electrical resistance of the conductor with all its cross-sectional area in use is known as the “DC resistance,” the “AC resistance” of the same conductor referring to a higher figure resulting from the skin effect. As you can see, at high frequencies the AC current avoids travel through most of the conductor’s cross-sectional area. For the purpose of conducting current, the wire might as well be hollow!
                  In some radio applications (antennas, most notably) this effect is exploited. Since radio-frequency (“RF”) AC currents wouldn’t travel through the middle of a conductor anyway, why not just use hollow metal rods instead of solid metal wires and save both weight and cost? (Figure below) Most antenna structures and RF power conductors are made of hollow metal tubes for this reason.
                  In the following photograph you can see some large inductors used in a 50 kW radio transmitting circuit. The inductors are hollow copper tubes coated with silver, for excellent conductivity at the “skin” of the tube:
                  The degree to which frequency affects the effective resistance of a solid wire conductor is impacted by the gauge of that wire. As a rule, large-gauge wires exhibit a more pronounced skin effect (change in resistance from DC) than small-gauge wires at any given frequency. 
Fig :High power inductors formed from hollow tubes.
Please remember that this figure is not impedance, and it does not consider any reactive effects, inductive or capacitive. This is simply an estimated figure of pure resistance for the conductor (that opposition to the AC flow of electrons which does dissipate power in the form of heat), corrected for the skin effect. Reactance, and the combined effects of reactance and resistance (impedance), are entirely different matters.