What are the difference between C and Objective C ?

    The language C was developed in early 1970s by Dennis Ritchie for the UNIX Operating system. It a general purpose, procedural programming language. The language is used for developing system applications as well as desktop applications.

    Objective C was developed in early 1980s by Brad Cox and Tom Love. It is an object-oriented, general purpose language and was created with the vision of providing small talk-style messaging to the C programming language. This language allows the users to define a protocol by declaring the classes and the data members can be made public, private and protected. This language was used at Apple for iOS and OS X operating systems. Swift language was developed at Apple in 2014 to replace this language. But still there are plenty of companies that are maintaining their legacy apps which are written in objective C.

    The main difference in C and Objective C is that C is a procedure programming language which doesn’t support the concepts of objects and classes and Objective C is Object-oriented language which contains the concept of both procedural and object-oriented programming languages.

Source: GeeksforGeeks